Yule (Post 10 Part 1)

'Yule' on the Wheel of the Year.

(Also known as...Yule time, Yuletide, Yulefest)
Wicca is considered a religion, also termed Pagan Witchcraft. Why would I even bring this up? Because Wiccans today, still keep the pagan traditions from thousands of years ago. Yule is one of the witches' sabbats.

And I would like you to see that these Holidays (origin; Holy Days) that we are keeping all year are filled with pagan practices. The Roman Catholic Church has taken all these vile holidays and have just Christianized them.

Note this Wheel of the Year is also known as a sun cross or sun wheel. Now, think of the sun dial and the obelisk that sits in St. Peter's square at Vatican. Hmm!

Now, take at look at the Pagan Sabbats timing on the wheel to make the connections to our so-called Christian Holidays...

"The Eight Pagan Sabbats"
(The Wheel of the Year)
1. Samhain "Halloween"
2. YULE, the winter solstice "Christmas"
3. Imbolc "Valentine's Day"
4. Ostara, the spring Equinox "Easter"
5. Beltane "May Day"
6. Litha, the summer solstice
7. Lughnasadh "1st Harvest"
8. Mabon, the autumn equinox "2nd Harvest"

"Yule or Yuletide is one of the oldest winter celebrations in the world. A festival observed by the historical Germanic pagans, later undergoing Christianized reformulation resulting in the now better-known Christmas or Christmastide."

In part 2, I'll cover Yule and the Yule Log, and in part 3, the Yule Holly King.


Night Before Christmas (Post 9 bonus)


Yule (Post 10 Part 2)