This is called everyone’s favorite time of the year. We exchange gifts, spend time with family, watch kids’ faces light up with joy, sing songs, bring a Christmas tree in and decorate it. But what is this holiday really about? Should we as ‘Christians’ (Bible Believers) really be celebrating it? Should we be celebrating the birth of our Messiah, Jesus on this day?
This is a 24 Day Part Series…
The day that children dress up in there favorite costumes and go trick or treating. The spirit of Halloween seems fun and playful, so much so, that many churches will make excuses to celebrate it, just under a different name. What is Halloween really about? Should we celebrate this day and turning a blind eye to the truth?
Easter the holiday that marks the day that our Messiah ‘Jesus’ rose from the dead. This holiday is about so much more then we think. The deception with this day should be understood by all.
Occult Holidays
Holidays aka Holy Days that Witches, Wiccans, and Neo Pagans Still Celebrate Today.