Yule and the Holly king (Post 10 Part 3)
I hope you are starting to see the deeper spirit behind Christmas.
Below, you will see how the 'Holly King' is connected to the god Saturn, thus the reason for the Roman feast of 'Saturnalia'.
You see, Christmas is deeply rooted in these winter festivals of Yule and Saturnalia, and they just Christianized them. The worship of sun gods and the worship of the Son of God, it's just a mockery. Something the Father hates! He said don't worship Him how others worshiped their gods. Deuteronomy 12:30
Maybe you are saying, who cares, that was long ago. Well did you know that Yule is still celebrated today by neo pagans, or those who practice Wicca. Yet millions still sing Christmas songs about Yule, and Yule logs, or they sing the 12 Days of Christmas. Isn't that a bit odd. No, because satan has deceived the whole world!
Please note, this is about light and dark, it's about the veils being thin between the spirit worlds. You may chose not to believe this. But remember, Our Father tells us in Ephesians 6:12 we don't wrestle against flesh and blood but against spiritual powers.
Take a look at who this Holly King is, mine you he has a crown of holly on his head, hmm! This is none other then satan, counterfeiting Jesus, the Holy King of kings, whether its through the children's worship of Santa Claus or the worship of these other gods.
Take a look...
The Holly King and the Oak King are two sacrificial gods who, in the manner of such deities, are two aspects of the same being. The Holly King represents the waning year, and battles the Oak King at Midsummer (probably once at Beltane) for rulership. Likewise, the Oak King is the god of the waxing year, and battles with the Holly King at Yule (probably once at Samhain) for the same honor.
Note (take a look at my post regarding the wheel of the year, if this is all new to you, to help you understand.)
The Holly King is Associated with these gods....
Saturn (Roman agricultural god)
Cronos (Greek god, also known as Father Time)
Father Ice/Grandfather Frost (Russian winter god)
Odin/Wotan (Scandinavian/Teutonic All-Father who rides the sky on an eight-legged horse)
The Tomte (a Norse Land Spirit known for giving gifts to children at this time of year)
Thor (Norse sky god who rides the sky in a chariot drawn by goats)
Satan has deceived the whole world, this season of the year, has nothing to do with the birth of the King of kings, our Messiah! It doesn't matter what name it goes under... Yule OR Saturnalia OR the Mass of Christ, it's ALL satan's trickery!
Keep seeking the truth!
Holly King and Oak King