Saturnalia (Post 17 Part 1)

TODAY is the beginning of 'Saturnalia'.

I understand this post is not for EVERYONE because it's a deep! But 'IF' you're able to understand this, it will help you greatly understand the 'Signs' that we are seeing today.

Why do you need to know about Saturnalia? Because THIS is where today's Christmas and its traditions comes from. Any dictionary or encyclopedia will tell you the truth, look it up.

So Saturnalia in summary was the worship of the god Saturn. It was celebrated on December 17th and then extended to the 23rd, turning it into a week long festival. It was a time of feasting, partying or merrymaking as they called it, gambling, singing, gift giving, etc. Yet, it included sex orgies and even temple sacrifices, animals and humans alike. AND during these seven days, there were no punishments for breaking any laws, according to Roman law. It was a time looked forward to all year just like the season of Christmas today.

You see the Romans believed that the god Saturn ruled over them during this golden age. He was also know as Father Time, The Cosmic Task Master, His Karmic Highness, The Grim Reaper and Cronous.

Many think that Greek and Roman mythology is just trivial, but satan was and is receiving all this god & goddess worship. Cronus the Greek god is the equivalent of Rome's god, Saturn.
Keep in mind that in astrotheology, Saturn is satan. This might be a little too deep for some, but this is why Saturn is still worshiped today by the elites of the world. You can find videos on YouTube of people breaking down how Saturn and the Black Cube is all linked to satan worship.

You see, this god, Saturn was beloved, this is why they named a planet after him AND the Father's 7th day of rest was named after him as well. Dies Saturni or the "Day of Saturn," today's Saturday. Hmm!

But there is more, Saturn was the son of the goddess Terra or Gaia in Greek. You see, this is where the New Age Gaia Mother earth goddess worship comes from, it's nothing 'new'. This is creeping back into the church. Is it starting to make sense now. Our Bible even speaks of Jupiter, he was the son of Saturn, and being worshiped in the temple in Rome.....

"Then the priest of Jupiter, which was before their city, brought oxen and garlands unto the gates, and would have done sacrifice with the people." Acts 14:13

"And when the townclerk had appeased the people, he said, Ye men of Ephesus, what man is there that knoweth not how that the city of the Ephesians is a worshipper of the great goddess Diana, and of the image which fell down from Jupiter?" Acts 19:35

You see, satan is so sly, he has just 'Christianized' all this, most don't know the history of where things come from. Remember satan is not going to show up as a red devil. He has used the Roman Catholic Church to pass Christmas off as a biblical thing. It's nothing more then a recycled pagan god holiday. It's a deception!

This 'Christmas' holiday also happens to be aligned with the Winter solstice, which falls under the sign of Capricorn. You know what the Capricorn is right, the Horned Goat Fish. Hmm! The sign starts on December 22 with Saturn being the ruling planet.

We are told to see with spiritual eyes. We live in the mist of an invisible battlefield. We must fight spiritual warfare daily. This world is run by satan. Yes, The Father is in complete control, we know that. And the Father wants His children to worship Him in spirit and truth. So as always, seek Him and pray for discernment. Just become the world celebrate something it doesn't mean you need to blindly follow as well. Do your own research. And always question why you believe what you believe.

Much love.

"The heart of the prudent getteth knowledge; and the ear of the wise seeketh knowledge." Proverbs 18:15


Nativity Scenes (Post 16)


Saturnalia (Post 17 Part 2)