Is Santa just a Spiritual Disbelief Trap?! (Post 18)
Is Santa just a Spiritual Disbelief Trap?!
Have you ever stopped and thought about how REAL Santa is to very young innocent children? Santa maybe a so-called mythological creature to adults but to children he is so very real.
These young children are investing so much admiration and love and emotion into a false being, because the adults in their life taught them to believe this, through traditions past down. Children are vowing to be good and awaiting their rewards from him. Along with pleading with Santa to help their sick mom or dad who just lost his job.
When reading through 'Dear Santa Letters' it's heart breaking to see that Santa aka satan is just robbing The Heavenly Father! These sweet children are writing from their hearts to this 'Santa Claus' person whom they believe really lives at the North Pole. With phases as such… Santa, I love you; I promise I have been good; You are the best; Please help my family; Thank you for everything; I believe in you and on and on. 'Prayers' to Santa?
Most have heard that well-known phase about Santa, "Just Believe!". Every Christmas movies is always telling people to just have that childlike faith and believe in Santa. It's very troubling, when this is what we are told in the Word, to have 'Faith'. We are told to have childlike faith to enter into Heaven. The Word says it's impossible to please The Father without 'Faith' (Hebrews 11:6), and what else is in that verse, He 'rewards' those that seek Him. Do you see the counterfeit again?!
Remember satan wants to be worshiped!!! "For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High." Isaiah 14:13-14 *North* You see why Santa lives at the North pole!
Satan has been around from the beginning, he understands humans all too well. And he loves to use our emotions against us. He wants to be worshiped, he wants power, he wants to be like the Most High. So what could be easier then going after our innocent children, WITH our help. He is basically robbing The Father of love, praise, admiration, and the cries of help that should be directed to Him.
When you are the parent, sometimes you can't really see the bigger picture. And the great danger involved in this lie. All you will see is a disappointment upon the day that your child finds out you deceived him. And you know that he will eventually find out he has been consistently lied to for years, and this might make him wonder what other lies he has been told. Your child is going to feel betrayed 100%, and yes, they will get over it because they love you but you may have unknowingly planted a seed of disbelief in our Child's precious little heart.
You are not alone, I'm guilty of doing this to my children as well, I had to repent of this. Most of us were taught this as a child, and so were our parents. Nonetheless, The Father says He winks at our Ignorance, but calls us to repentance. How terrible that many of us were deceived into teaching our children this Santa Lie, it's nothing more than a set-up, a spiritual disbelief trap. As our children grow, and find out that Santa Claus, the Easter bunny, and Tooth Fairy are not real, and we simply deceived them, maybe they will question if Jesus is even real as well. You see how that works, it's not so innocent after all is it. And once that seed of disbelief is planted it's difficult to remove.
It's a known fact that when kids go to collage, many of them come out loosing their beliefs. Why would this happen. Because they are taught that religion is just used to control people. Which is true to a point. However, what is your young adult child thinking, yeah, what if God is not real after all anyways. Maybe I was just told this to scare me into being a good person, like when I was a child with Santa. Since many parents use Santa to control their children's behavior. You see, that little seed of disbelief planted 15 years earlier is starting to sprout now. Just what satan wanted!
You may say Santa is just childhood frivolous fun but I say he a dangerous trap! Santa is not something we should take lightly, please really consider the spiritual side of teaching this tradition to your children. I hope this was a blessing to you!
Much love!