The Spirit of Christmas (Post 11)

Many embrace the 'Spirit of Christmas', but what spirit are they embracing? Just what is the Christmas Spirit?

Now, what could possible be so bad about a time when most people seem to be filled with joy and generosity. A time when family and friends gather. We have all heard the terms 'It feels magical' or 'There is a Spirit in the air'.

What we need to remember is satan could never deceive the world with customs that obviously appeared evil. Christmas is therefore filled with seemingly wonderful and alluring customs. It's intoxicating to Christians and non-Christians alike.

We know satan can transform into an angel of light. And it's his mission to try to deceive the very elect. How does he accomplish this, by using the very name that Christians trust, Jesus. Deceiving them into believing this season is all about Him and His birth.

Many would agree, that this Christmas Spirit seems to be a wonderful and delightful spirit. However, this spirit is a deceitful one. Because there is so much anticipation built up for this moment, that if exceptions are not met, it comes crashing down on one. It leaves many feeling empty and broken inside.

We know there is so much sadness and loneliness at Christmas. And poverty is felt so heavily at this time as well. Not to mention unpleasant memories, anxiety and depression. Suicides and hospital admittances increased also.

Why? Because we are told through society, books and movies that Christmas promises happiness and joy to all. It suggests we should be having a good time no matter how, what, where or who we are.

However there are so many disappointments resulting from people trying hard to make the best of it. Friends and relatives may cancelled on you, you can't afford to buy gifts, you're running into debt, you feel you disappointed your children. Or worse, you could be in the middle of a divorce, or have creditors calling you, losing your home, or job loss, dealing with a terminal ill cancer, or the death of a loved one.

Yet you are expected to be joyous, because you have been told your whole life this is the 'happiness time of the year'. Yet inside you are broken. You see behind this Christmas facade, satan is deliberate causing such a hype of emotions and pressure for this specific time each year. We know there is even a term called the Christmas Blues. Most also are left feeling so empty come January after it's over and done with.

Would we believe this 'Spirit of Christmas' is sent from The Heavenly Father? No, this is a counterfeit spirit of the one and only Holy Spirit! You see, His Holy Spirit, promises us true Joy, Happiness and Peace, no matter what time of year, no matter the storm!

When we come to realize that Christmas comes from man-made traditions and has nothing to do with Jesus, and is satan's deception, then we will have freedom from this emotional tight hold of this 'Christmas Spirit'.

There is nothing in this worldly life that can bring true joy, it's only through the Messiah, Jesus. You will never be fulfilled until you are filled with The Holy Spirit!

If you are caught in satan's snare of his Christmas Spirit, you can break free. May you have a desire to seek out the truth about Christmas. When you know the truth, the truth will set you free. I hope this blesses you.

"May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." Romans 15:13

Much love!


Yule Goat (Post 10 Bonus)


Holly (Post 12 Part 1)