Yeah you read that right, don't delay getting that second dose, EVEN THOUGH more people have died from the vaccination then from the virus it self. Unreal! They have to admit it.
Here are a few experts, and I'll leave the links below.
USA Today….
Australia's top medical officer urges nation to follow through on vaccinations; mRNA shots don't decrease sperm count:
"Australia's top medical officer on Monday urged countrymen who have received an AstraZeneca COVID shot to "not delay" getting the second dose – even though the vaccine has been linked to more deaths than COVID in Australia this year."
"He told Australia's ABC network that the benefits of the AstraZeneca vaccine in combating COVID-19 "far outweighed" the risks of developing a very rare blood clotting syndrome."
-USA Today June 22nd, 2021
TGA AU gov site…
Reports of death following vaccination, particularly in the elderly
The TGA uses its adverse event reporting system to closely monitor reports of death following COVID-19 vaccination. During the early stages of the vaccine rollout in Australia and many other countries, deaths were reported following vaccination in older people living in aged care as this is where the vaccine rollout started. Many of these deaths were in frail elderly people and were coincidental with vaccination. This was confirmed following review by the TGA and medicine regulators in the UK, Europe and the US which found no specific safety concerns from use of the vaccines in older people.
I guess it's the same kind of 'coincidental' issues as when someone died in a car accident but they claim they died from Covid huh.
Keep Watch!
Vaccine clots more deadly than COVID in Australia this year (*F
No Jab, No Job!