When you research the topic of Beltane you will find it varies somewhat. It all comes down to the worship of the sun god and earth goddess. However, one thing we know for sure, it is a day of Spiritual Warfare!
It has long been known that it's a time when the veil between the spirit world is thin. Beltane is opposite of Samhain (Halloween) on the Wheel of the Year (there are 8 sabbats). So due to the thinning veil, people would partake in this fire ritual to 'protect' themselves from being put under a spell. So they say.
Remember Beltane means 'Fire of Bel'...
"Beltane is one of the fire festivals of the Wiccan calendar. In ancient times this may (or may not) have been a time of sacrifice, including human sacrifice. The tradition of leaping over the fire may be a reflection of this, as passing custom of passing livestock through two bonfires for blessings and fertility may reflect ancient animal sacrifices. Or these may simply be an innocent form of ritual fumigation." -Witchipedia
When people speak of having a 'Bonfire' that word is really 'bonefire', meaning literally "a fire of bones."
There is nothing new under the sun…….
"You shall not worship the LORD your God in that way, for every abominable thing that the LORD hates they have done for their gods, for they even burn their sons and their daughters in the fire to their gods." Deuteronomy 12:31
"And have built the high places of Baal to burn their sons in the fire as burnt offerings to Baal, which I did not command or decree, nor did it come into my mind." Jeremiah 19:5
Bel, Ba'al, and Moloch are all one in the same, it's all satan.
Child sacrifices have not gone away. These elite satanist still partake in this yearly on Beltane just as they do on Samhain (Halloween).
Note it is said "that Adolf Hitler committed suicide on April 30th, 1945, and his remains were burned at his request, suggesting that he wanted to be a sacrifice to Ba’al." Remember his leadership started in '1933' as well. I don't think anyone would deny that he was a pure satanist!
And I'll leave you with one more to ponder on. They tell us that the international distress call 'May Day' that started back in 1923 was created because it sounded like "m'aider" which in a French word that means 'help me'. Hmm! Yeah I personally think it's more spiritual and could have something to do with Beltane.
Much love!
BTW The timing of MILLIONS of animals being killed (scarified) is also very interesting as well don't you think.