Labyrinths (2/3)

Wiccans use labyrinths in their festivals as another form of mysticism. They will set up labyrinths with candles and will walk them at night. Some Wiccans claim the labyrinth “are a mystical journey to another realm and then back to earth”.

Labyrinth are also uses as a Wiccan symbol. The symbol is often used as an amulet that they will hang from jewelry. An amulet is a object that is believed to offer magical protection or good luck.

New agers use labyrinths to reach altered states of consciousness where they can become one with the universe. “Centering” occurs in the middle of the labyrinth. Walking a labyrinth gives the New Ager a spiritual awakening that they can then bring forth to the world.

The Wiccans have walked labyrinth long before Catholics and Christians. Should we take that which is not of God, bring it into our churches, and do it unto God?! The Father hates these kinds of things, He warns us in Deuteronomy 12:4, 12:29-32, 18:9-10.

We must always be studying and watching, so that we will not be led astray… "See to it that no one takes you captive by philosophy and empty deceit, according to human tradition, according to the elemental spirits of the world, and not according to Christ." Colossians 2:8

Keep watch!


Labyrinth (1/3)


Labyrinth (3/3)