Labyrinth (1/3)

I'm sharing this since there are some that walk a 'Prayer Labyrinth' during Lent and Easter.

Many think a Labyrinth is just another word for Maze, but it's not!
So why is a labyrinth not a maze you ask? It has only one path that one walks from the entrance to the center, and then walks the same path returning from the center to the entrance, which is now an exit. For this reason the labyrinth is often referred to as a “unicursal” pattern.

These Labyrinths are used to reach altered states of consciousness.
Simply put, there are 3 phases of a Labyrinth walk. The 1st phase of walking to the middle is called "releasing" (classic term Purgation) letting go of your burdens, shedding your thoughts and emotions, emptying your mind.

The 2nd phase when you get to the center (the sacred space) is called "receiving" (classic term ILLUMINATION) you spend some time there and open your self up to what you hear, feel or experience, you meditate and stay there as long as you want.

The 3rd phase walking back out is called "returning" (classic term Union) you express gratitude for your insights you received, whether or not you are aware of these insights. You are to be open to thoughts or intuitions concerning how you might integrate the labyrinth experience into your daily life.

Does this sound Biblical at all?! No way!!! In fact it's VERY dangerous! Look at this quote from "Breemie Labyrinth" in the UK….“The labyrinth is an archetypal spiritual tool, found across many times and cultures. While a maze is a left-brain, rational puzzle, the labyrinth involves the right side of the brain, and helps us access our intuition, providing a portal to the Divine”

Yikes! IF you are a Child of The Almighty, you have a mediator, the Messiah Jesus, you don't mess around with portals or mysticism. We are filled with the Holy Spirit. Our God is near to all those who call upon Him in truth (Psalm 145:18-Acts 17:27). Every believer has the mind of Christ (1 Cor 2:16).

Walking a labyrinth, is preforming a type of ritual, and emptying your mind is very dangerous. Just like yoga and meditation, this is New Age thinking, they all want to become 'Illuminated' and 'Spiritual'.

"Many who walk prayer labyrinths are seeking some special insight or new revelation. Such an emphasis on these things comes dangerously close to Gnosticism and New Age thinking. The Christian has no need of a mystical experience or extra-biblical revelation or tradition, to say that these things are needed to find real power is to denigrate God's Word and the Holy Spirit's work."

There are so many deceptions out there today, we must guard our hearts and minds and pray for discernment always.

I truly hope you will look at Labyrinths differently and study them for your own self. Don't follow after traditions or believe something because a pastor or priest said it's spiritual and good.

Question everything!


Labyrinths (2/3)