When was The Messiah Born? (Post 1)
When was Jesus 'The Messiah' Born? Was it really on December 25th?
Evergreen Tree (Post 2 part 1)
"The Christmas Holiday Tree"
Evergreen Tree (Post 2 part 2)
Have you ever asked yourself honestly, "Why do we bring an Evergreen TREE into our home?" Yes, I know it's tradition, but have you really given it much thought?
Was Christmas Was Banned? (Post 3)
Believe it or not! Christians once banned Christmas.
Jesus and Santa (Post 4)
Let's take a look at some comparisons between Santa Claus and Jesus, Our Savior.
Santa Claus, A Saint? (Post 5 Part 1)
I often hear "Oh, but we don't do Santa" or "We don't do the secular side of Christmas"
Church Please Stop! (Post 5 Part 2)
Please Stop!
There are many Christian websites out there supporting Santa
Krampus (Post 6 Part 1)
December 5th, the eve before the Feast of St. Nickolas it's a day for Krampus, it's called 'Krampusnacht'.
Krampus (Post 6 Part 2)
Krampus (Post 6 Part 3)
Krampus in pop culture
Just The word ‘Merry Christmas’ (Post 7)
It's time to talk about the WORDS 'Merry Christmas'
December 25 (Post 8)
aWhen you start to have understanding, you will see how this ties into 'Christmas' in a big way.
December 25th (Post 8 Part 2)
Since Jesus, The Messiah, was NOT born on December 25th. WHY was this day chosen to 'celebrate' His birth then? Let's find out…
Nimrod (Post 9)
Nimrod was a very significant man! The grandson of Ham and great-grandson of Noah.
Night Before Christmas (Post 9 bonus)
Twas the night before Christmas; and strange as it seems
Yule (Post 10 Part 1)
'Yule' on the Wheel of the Year.
Yule (Post 10 Part 2)
What is Yule and what is a Yule log?
Yule and the Holly king (Post 10 Part 3)
I hope you are starting to see the deeper spirit behind Christmas.
Yule Goat (Post 10 Bonus)
The 'Yule Goat' has long been an important symbol in Scandinavia.
The Spirit of Christmas (Post 11)
Many embrace the 'Spirit of Christmas', but what spirit are they embracing? Just what is the Christmas Spirit?