X-Mas Abbreviation (Post 14)

'X-Mas' Abbreviation

Does the 'X' in X-Mas mean keep Christ out of the word Christmas? No! The X is an abbreviation for "Christ" from the Greek Alphabet.
The X (called 'Chi') is often used to abbreviate the name Christ, as in the word Christian or Christmas. In the Greek Alphabet, the X called "Chi" is the 22nd letter and the P called "Rho" is the 17th letter. These are the first two letters in the Greek word 'Xpiotos' meaning Christos/Christ.

The Chi-Rho together is said to represent either Christ or Christianity and is also known as a Christogram. This looks like an X with a small p on top '☧'.

The Chi Rho symbol has pre-Christian connections and is believed to have been revered by the pagan Greeks as representative of good fortune. Pagan Greek scribes used the symbol in the margin to mark passages they considered especially significant or relevant, with the letters Chi and Rho denoting ‘chrestos’ that means ‘good’. The sign has also been found on the coins of Ptolemy III (246-222 BCE). Long before Emperor Constantine I came into power!

However, Chi Rho gained widespread popularity and found much use by the Christians after it was adopted by the great Roman military commander, Emperor Constantine I as a vexillum (military standard). History has it that the symbol appeared to Constantine in a vision or dream before he fought the Battle of the Milivian Bridge outside Rome in 312 A.D. and he had it put on his soldiers’ shields. His army won the battle and subsequently, the deeply affected emperor legalized the religion of Christianity across the Roman Empire. Later, the symbol also appeared on the coins of Emperor Constantine and his successors. (You can find this info at sites like Ancient Origins and Ancient Symbols.)

So once again, we are taken back to Roman, and the Christianizing of pagan symbols. One has to ask himself, what did Constantine really claim to see in that vision? I'll leave more info on Constantine in the comments if your interested.

But if you're one of those getting upset about people 'X-ing Out' Christ's name in Christmas, that's not actually what they're doing.
Sadly, His name is still being blasphemed over and over! Just the same as how they blaspheme His name during every single Mass. Christ-Mass is just the mother Mass of them all. And satan has deceived the world into partaking in the largest Catholic Mass around the world.

To truly understand this, you need a desire in your heart for His truth. Pray wholeheartedly and seek Him and He will reveal all these things unto you. Please remember when I share these post, it's not to upset and hurt you, it's just to give you info to ponder on!

Now with all this said, there is an occult meaning to the letter 'X', however there are many different meanings for it. So I will link a page in the comments if you desire to research those meanings. It's very interesting.

Much love!


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