Holly (Post 12 Part 1)
There is more to Holly than you might think!
First, what is holly?
Mistletoe (Post 12 Part 2)
Where did Kissing under the Mistletoe come from?
Christmas 'Magic' Mushroom (Post 13)
Shall we touch on the Christmas 'Magic' Mushroom.
X-Mas Abbreviation (Post 14)
Does the 'X' in X-Mas mean keep Christ out of the word Christmas? No! The X is an abbreviation for "Christ" from the Greek Alphabet.
Does It Matter When Jesus Was Born? (Post 15)
Since many will agree that Jesus, The Messiah was not born in December, due to careful study of the Scriptures.
Nativity Scenes (Post 16)
Hold on! Hear me out on this one, before you get upset with me.
Saturnalia (Post 17 Part 1)
TODAY is the beginning of 'Saturnalia'.
Saturnalia (Post 17 Part 2)
Today is Pope Francis' 84th Birthday, December 17th, which is also the start of the Roman festival of Saturnalia (aka Christmas). The worship of the god 'Saturn' aka satan.
Christmas Stamps (Post 17 Bonus)
For those that have eyes to see, we understand very well what these Stamp's symbolism means.
Is Santa just a Spiritual Disbelief Trap?! (Post 18)
Have you ever stopped and thought about how REAL Santa is to very young innocent children?
Over 160 Countries Celebrate Christmas (Post 19)
Something to pond on….
Holiday Blues (Post 20)
'The Holiday Blues'
Christmas Story Truth vs Myth (Post 21)
'The Biblical Story of Jesus' Birth'📖
A Christmas Song? (Post 22 part 2 of 2)
'Joy to the World'
Be Encouraged! (Post 22 part 1 of 2)
This is for my friends who don't partake in Christmas...
My Christmas Story Post 23
Each year I share my personal Christmas story...
Christmas Mass (Post 24 Part 3)
Don't forget that the largest Christmas Mass takes place every year at the Vatican were 'Christmas' started.
Christmas Mass (Post 24 Part 2)
'At Satan's Altar'
Christmas Mass (Post 24 Part 1)
"Midnight Mass during the Witching Hour/ Devil's Hour?"